
A105 Competitive Mahjong club

#Enjoy playing mahjong

Mahjong simulation

This is the Competitive Mahjong Club!
On the third day of the festival (Sunday, October 29), we will have a mock mahjong game! (We will use a hand stacked table and an automatic tables, and of course no-rate.)
For those who are thinking “Mahjong is very popular these days, so I would like to play Mahjong myself!”, why don’t you take this opportunity to play Mahjong with us? If you are new to Mahjong, we will explain the rules to you and help you play Mahjong! Of course, regular mahjong players are also welcome! Everyone is welcome to come!
We will also hold a Mahjong tournament! There will be prizes for the winners. If you are confident in your mahjong skills, please come and join us!
